Team Spirit Exercise

Team Spirit is an annual exercise held in South Korea during March of each year. It is a countrywide exercise, involving many units deployed throughout the country and was  a rehearsal for a North Korean invasion. The 374 TAW was normally deployed to Kimhae, South Korea, near Pusan. It was a full tent city operationfor a few weeks.

An Aeromedical Evacuation exercise Team Spirit 81 (March 1981)

Aeeromedical Evacuation crew prepares C130 for patients during Team Spirit 81, March 1981

An Aeromedical Evacuation from Yoju AB, Korea during Team Spirit 85 (March 1985)

Patients walk slowly to the ramp of C130 tail # 637800 at Yoju AB during an Aeromedical evacuation exercise during Team Spirit 85.


Loading patient at Yoju AB, March 1985



C130 departing Yoju AB March 1985 after loading patients in an Aeromedical Evacuation training mission