Exercise PURPLE DUCKS . . .

Exercise Purple DUCK was an exercise held in Korea in September, 1980. Crews from Yokota and Clark deployed to Kwangju AB, Korea and flew a variety of missions. These are pictures taken by USAAF photographers of that exercise. Please comment at the end if you have anymore information to add or any additional pictures.

Yokota aerial port pushes a pallet onto C130 637859 at Yokota AB for exercise Purple Duck September 1980 (USAF photo by Sgt Mark Bateman)
K Loader behind C130E at Yokota AB, Japan September 1980 (USAF photo Sgt Mark Bateman)
Yokota AB MAC command post September 1980 (USAF photo Sgt Mark Bateman)
Yokota AB Looking north from base operations along the flight line September 1980 (USAF photo Sgt Mark Bateman)
Airman of the 316 Aerial Port Squadron weighs a pallet to be loaded onto a C130 Yokota AB September 1980 (USAF photo Sgt Mark Bateman)
Yokota AB September 1980 (USAF photo Sgt Mark Bateman)
Capt Bill Slattery of 345 TAS sits in the 345TAS squadron briefing room at Yokota AB September 1980 (USAF photo Sgt Mark Bateman)
TSgt Rushin conducts a briefing at Yokota AB. September 1980 (USAF photo Sgt Mark-Bateman)
316 OMS member poses with the K Loader while loading a C130E being deployed to Kwang Ju AB, Korea from Yokota AB September 1980 (USAF photo Sgt Mark Bateman)
316 OMS Airman Williams preflighting a C130E being deployed to Kwang Ju AB, Korea from Yokota AB September 1980 (USAF photo Sgt Mark Bateman)
Structural repair shop at Yokota AB September 1980 (USAF photo Sgt Mark Bateman)
Machine shop at Yokota AB September 1980 (USAF photo Sgt Mark Bateman)
C130E of 345 TAS prepares for takeoff Rwy 36 at Yokota AB September 1980 (USAF photo Sgt Mark Bateman)
Maintenance works on a C130E of the 345 TAS at Yokota AB September 1980 (USAF photo Sgt Mark Bateman)
Maintenance works on a C130E of the 345 TAS at Yokota AB September 1980 (USAF photoSgt Mark Bateman)
345 TAS flight engineer preflights a C130E September 1980 (USAF photo TSgt Mike Daniels)
USAF personnel board a C130E of the 345 TAS at Yokota AB September 1980 (USAF photo Sgt Mark Bateman)
Airman of 316 APS unties a pallet to be loaded on a C130E of the 345 TAS at Yokota AB September 1980 (USAF photo Sgt Mark Bateman)
Life Support shop at Yokota AB checks LPUs September 1980 (USAF photo Sgt Mark Bateman)
Looking north along the flight line at Yokota AB September 1980 (USAF photo Sgt Mark Bateman)
Crew chief eats a snack prior to takeoff at Yokota AB September 1980 (USAF photo Sgt Mark Bateman)
Checking out the engine of a 345 TAS C130E at Yokota AB September 1980 (USAF photo Sgt Mark Bateman)
CCT awaits airdrop in Korea (Misari DZ?) September 1980 (USAF photo TSgt Mike Daniels)
USAF personnel at Yokota AB board a C130E of 345 TAS for transport to Kwang Ju, Korea September 1980 (USAF photo TSgt Mike Daniels)


Korean paratroopers board a C130E from 374 TAW in South Korea September 1980 (USAF photo TSgt Mike Daniels)
Looking out the right paratrooper door, probably on run-in for a personnel airdrop Korea September 1980 (USAF photo TSgt Mike Daniels)
Airdrop in Korea (Misari DZ?) September 1980 (USAF photo TSgt Mike Daniels)
Korean paratroopers standing in paratroop door ready to jump out (or be pushed out) of a 374 TAW C130E in Korea September 1980 (USAF photo TSgt Mike Daniels)
Korean paratroopers dropping into a drop zone in Korea from 374 TAW C130E September 1980 (USAF photo TSgt Mike Daniels)
Korean paratroopers dropping into a drop zone in Korea September 1980 (USAF photo TSgt Mike Daniels)
374 TAW C130E on short final for an assault landing Korea September 1980 (USAF photo TSgt Mike Daniels)
21 TAS crew on the ground at a short field (A222?) in Korea September 1980 (USAF photo TSgt Mike Daniels)
In line for billeting at Kwang Ju AB, Korea. September 1980 (USAF photo TSgt Mike Daniels)
Briefing at Kwang Ju AB, Korea September 1980 345 TAS commander Lt Col Bear in front (USAF photo TSgt Mike Daniels)


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